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Building Dedications

The buildings at Gary Holmes Hospital Maganjo have been dedicated to those that support our mission or in honor of those loved by supporters.  
Ruth Gaylord Maternity Clinic

This healthcare facility, sponsored by Hope Medical Clinics, Uganda, is dedicated to the health care of the people of Uganda in dedication of the life and work of Ruth Gaylord through the generosity of Monsignor James Habiger, the University of St. Thomas, Saint Paul, Minnesota, and Hope for the City, Edina, Minnesota, USA. The dedication took place in January, 2012.

Helen Bisanz Centre for Outpatient Excellence

This building was dedicated on 18 May, 2016, to the memory of the late Helen Bisanz of St. Paul, Minnesota, USA, a gentle women of faith, kind and compassionate through the generosity of her grateful son, Tom Bisanz, of Dallas, Texas, USA.

Ann Jostrom Centre for Labour & Delivery

This building was dedicated January 2012, in honor and memory of "Mom" (Ann Jostrom) through the Gerald and Susan Schwalbach Family Foundation, Wayzata, Minnesota, USA .

Gary S. Holmes Centre

This building was made possible by the philanthropy of Mr. Gary Holmes, a successful and generous real estate entrepreneur from Minneapolis, Minnesota USA. The Holmes Center provides a residence for visiting medical professionals as well as a patient ward, an imaging center and administrative offices. This facility was dedicated with deep gratitude to Mr. Holmes on 19 November, 2017.

Sisters' Residence

This building was made possible by a generous gift from the Gerald and Susan Schwalbach Family Foundation, Wayzata, Minnesota, USA. This building was dedicated in March 2013.

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